Concrete pile driving
Sterk has a great deal of experience in driving concrete piles, the most widely used foundation product in the Netherlands. Piles with large diameters (up to 600 mm) and lengths (up to 33 metres) are no problem for us. We place them from land or water.
Concrete pile driving involves some noise and/or vibration nuisance. Therefore, Sterk applies methods to reduce this nuisance, such as pre-augering and/or fluidisation. This makes pile driving easier and reduces the risk of pile breakage.

Pile Driving Rigs
Sterk has different types of pile drivers.
Boom cranes with a separate leader:
We can easily assemble and remove this leader. This way, we are flexible and it is possible to use a single rig to both drive and vibrate the sheet piling.
Jib cranes with leader and hydraulic sliding system
In addition, for heavier pile driving, jib cranes with leader are equipped with a hydraulic sliding system.
Pile drivers with a fixed leader
Hydraulic hammers
Sterk has two hydraulic hammers with an impact weight of 9 to 10 tonnes. We can adjust the impact height (centrifugal force) of both hammers.
Diesel hammers
Sterk has a large range of diesel hammers with an impact weight of 0.8 to 6.2 tonnes.