Steel Tubular Piles know many applications. For example, they can be used for combined walls, fender walls, auxiliary structures, such as foundation piles for engineering structures or as casing when drilling to install geothermal heat pumps. For many years now, Sterk has been installing tubular piles (by means of pile-driving, vibrations and, more recently, also vibration-free) for an extremely wide range of applications; consequently, this has become one of the areas in which we specialise.

A (tubular-pile) combined wall is a wall consisting of both sheet piling and tubular piles. The tubular piles provide increased strength and rigidity when compared with a situation in which only sheet piling is used. The tubular piles are equipped with interlocks that connect together the sheet-piling profiles. Once all the tubular piles have been installed, the interspaces can be filled with ordinary Z or U sheet-piling profiles.

Combined walls are often used in quay construction for water-related infrastructure. Consequently, Sterk can expertly execute such operations on the water using its own floating equipment. Furthermore, combined-wall constructions are also employed in earth-retaining and water-retaining constructions in order to complete cofferdams, which require deep construction pits. Combined walls are often used as well when making tunnels.